Group students together in class using this Random Sequence Generator from RANDOM.ORG

Ever needed to organise students into groups randomly to mix things up a little? I just found this random sequence generator to do this. Here are the steps I followed.

  1. Grab a list of all your students in class.
  2. Put them into one column in a spreadsheet.
  3. Use the RANDOM.ORG – Sequence Generator to generate a list of numbers in random order equal to the number of students in your class.
  4. Paste that list into the second column of the spreadsheet and use that column to organise and randomise the list.

Works a treat!

Check out my teaching before you hire me to teach you or to run a course for your organisation #YQR #YXE

Before you hire me to teach you or to run a course for your organisation you can check out my teaching style through my YouTube Channel on which I have over 1000 followers or watch entire classes like my popular Photoshop to InDesign: Creating Image Masks for Text Wraps or Create Polygonal Patterns in Adobe Illustrator on my Skillshare Channel.

You can also see what previous students say about me here.