Customizing Mac Folder Icons: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you tired of the same old look on your Mac desktop? Well, it’s time to add a personal touch! In this guide, we’ll explore how to customize your folder icons, making your Mac experience not only organized but also visually appealing.

1. Choose Your Icons

To kick things off, select or create icons to represent your folders. You can use any image-editing application like Photoshop, GIMP, or Final Cut Pro. The key is to export your icons as PNGs with transparency for that sleek, modern look.

2. Setting Up Your Icons

If you’re using Photoshop, consider adding a hue and saturation adjustment layer to introduce captivating color effects to your folders. Experiment with different blending options for images above each folder to achieve a seamless and personalized appearance.

3. Applying Icons to Folders

Now, let’s get down to business – applying these icons to your folders. Select a folder, go to “File,” choose “Get Info,” and then paste your desired icon into the folder’s info settings. It’s a quick and easy way to refresh your Mac’s look.

4. Organize and Personalize

With your customized icons in place, your Mac desktop will not only be more organized but also visually striking. This simple trick allows you to find the right folders at a glance, adding a touch of personality to your workspace.

5. Bonus Tip: Creating Image Icons for Tutorials

For those interested in creating tutorials or needing specific icons for applications, here’s a bonus tip. Easily copy icons from applications or folders and paste them into an image-editing application for a clean, professional look.


Customizing your Mac folder icons is a fun and practical way to revitalize your desktop experience. Whether you’re a design enthusiast or simply want a more visually appealing workspace, this guide has got you covered. Feel free to leave any questions in the comments, and enjoy your newly customized Mac desktop!