Final Cut Pro X: Create a Pecha Kucha Presentation Video with a Voiceover

Time your slides to perfection with this quick and easy way to create a Pecha Kucha presentation in Final Cut Pro X. Useful for creating any presentation format you will learn how to import images, the quickest way to match the duration of each slide/image on your timeline and add transitions all in one go. Learn how to add a voiceover and export your video in a format the will work on YouTube, Vimeo and most video-delivery platforms.

For more about Pecha Presentations that take place all over the world from Regina to Ottawa, New York and London, England visit .

If you are looking for Final Cut Pro X training courses in Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Ottawa or other cities across Canada then get in touch via email – . I’m happy to answer any questions you might have.