Have you ever wanted to create an editable rectangle in Final Cut Pro but struggled to use the built-in tools? This rectangle plugin solves that problem. With editable borders, colour and the ability to round off edges this will be a great addition to your suite of basic shape tools in Final Cut Pro.

Download & Install the Free Custom Shape Plugin
- First download the rectangle plugin – Custom Rectangle Plugin.zip
- Create a Folder titled ‘Ben Halsall’ in Your Movies Folder
Macintosh HD ▸ Users ▸ <your username> ▸ Movies ▸ Motion Templates ▸ Generators - Unzip and copy the folder ‘Custom Rectangle’ to the folder ‘Ben Halsall’
- Open Final Cut Pro X and your new plugin will appear in your Generators Tab for you to go ahead and use.
Editable Shape Tutorial – Create Your Own Plugin
Learn to create your own editable shape in Apple Motion for Final Cut Pro.
“Very helpful, thanks.” professordeb
“Beautiful. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for this tutorial!” M M
“Very useful. I just applied it to create a text box, where the box itself is exactly as you show here. Many thanks.” Fransisco