Learn how to make a countdown timer in Final Cut Pro with only the built-in tools. You will develop useful skills about the benefits of working with compound clips in order to manipulate and get the most of Final Cut Pro’s built-in plugins.
Perfect for any exercise video or workout routine content you are creating!
30 Minute Countdown Timer – Download
If you don’t have time to create your own countdown timer you can find one that I have created here – http://bit.ly/countdown-timer-fcp-download
Create a Countdown Timer & Animated Playback Bar with Built-in Plugins Only
In this tutorial, you will animate a playback bar and use Final Cut Pro’s built-in plugins to create a countdown timer. Through this process, you will learn some awesome shortcuts, how to keyframe animation in FCP and much more.
Countdown Timers in 4K Video from Soundstripe
Create an Animated Infographics
Learn how to animate circular progress bars. These tips will give you an overview of how to layer and create an animated infographic right inside Final Cut Pro without round tripping to Apple Motion or After Effects.
The YouTuber Pack 3.0 for Final Cut Pro
Youtubers! This is your complete pro-Kit for your channels, use it in Final Cut Pro and Apple Motion! We’ve reworked the entire underlying logic so Final Cut Pro-only-users can benefit from this amazing pack in a breeze! Check out The YouTuber Pack 3.0 here.